Infomancer LUA Version

Our LUA runs in a Java Lua library. There are some specific differences and some of those we have patched ourselves.

Version 5.2

Lua version 5.2 is the Lua target version.
LuaJ at the time of writing this does not support __pairs or __ipairs we have patched that and you should be able to use those in metatables.


Modules in Infomancer Forge are a part of the project structure. Any folder called Modules will be parsed and all .lua files in them will be considered modules by the same name as the name of the file.
notion image
As you can see in the image there is a folders called Modules and several .lua files inside. Each will be available as a module.
You can read more about modules in Infomancer Forge here.

How Lua scripts are executed.

The lua scripts will execute all the time as you type them. This will result in some partial errors as you go that will resolve as you complete the lines of text.
Letting the script run like this makes the environment live and responsive to changes.
You can choose to edit your scripts in an external IDE such as Visual Studio Code. Whilst we have tried to make the Lua editing environment as feature rich as we we understand that developers often have there own preferences and we wanted the tool to support that option.

The IO library

We have not implemented the Lua io library as is but rather a much easier to use IO Library.